An IEEE Computer Society
sponsored venue

Formerly IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension (IWPC )

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History of ICPC

ICPC Events held in the past

The Steering Committee



ICPC Author Index Sorted by Year

Select a year for a listing of authors.

2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1994 1993 1992

Author list in alphabetical order for the year 1993

Author NamePage
Alden, S.D.110
Aubet, P.55
Ballantyne, M.71
Benedusi, P.149
Bennett, K.H.87
Benvenuto, V.149
Bertolino, A.177
Blazy, S.46
Canfora, G.36
Champion, R.140
Cimitile, A.36
Cochinal, S.108
Cutillo, F.187
De Carlini, U.128
De Lucia, A.128
DeMori, R.17
Di Lucca, G.A.128
Dumas, L.55
Facon, P.46
Foster, J.107
Freeman, M.J.140
Garigliano, R.26
Hazan, J.E.26
Helleboid, Y.55
Jarvis, S.A.26
Kinloch, D.119
Kontogiannis, K.17
Lanubile, F.187
Layzell, P.J.140
Lejeune, P.55
Linos, P.55
Liu, Z.Y.71
Livadas, P.E.110
Loffredo, M.169
Mancini, L.106
Marre, M.177
Merlo, E.17
Morgan, R.G.26
Munro, M.36
Munro, M.119
Padula, A.66
Quilici, A.96
Signore, O.169
Tomacelli, L.149
Tortora, G.128
Tortorella, M.36
Tulula, P.55
Van Sickle, L.71
Vans, A.M.78
Visaggio, G.187
Ward, M.P.160
Younger, E.J.87
Younger, E.J.160
Zuse, H.8
von Maryhauser, A.78
55 found

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ICPC Steering Committee <moc.spuorgelgoog@cs-cpci>